Fierce Feathered Star
This is the 36" version of the Fierce Feathered Star.
Buy from my pattern shop and receive your PDF pattern instantly! The pattern is $12 and includes instructions for a 20" block and a 36" block. No y-seams, no paper piecing, no problem!
Don't you love the feathered star block? It's so classy and fun at the same time.
The Fierce Feathered Star pattern gives you a highly customizable cutting chart so that you can play with any variety of coloring options! Make it totally yours! Here are several versions of the 20" block.
So, why "fierce"? What makes this block fierce?
I'll tell you:
It's bold. It likes attention. Alright, it's a little bit of a drama queen if you want to know the truth. :)
While there is easy sewing, do not turn your back on it or daydream when making this block. This does not fall into the "mindless" sewing category.
Do you have to be an accomplished quilter to be successful at making this block? Heavens no!
Is it a challenge? It will be for beginners or even advanced beginners. With some feedback, I decided to give it an advanced designation, because of the precision required in cutting and sewing a 1/4" seam for matching points. Set your intention to conquer this block and you will! And add new techniques to your bag of quilting tricks along the way. I'm here for support!
I've recorded a series of videos showing you exactly how to make this block section by section! There is no additional charge for this video class. It's meant to boost your confidence and show you tips along the way to use in your successful quilt making.
Click here for the playlist:
Fierce Feathered Star Video Series
36" star used in making a 2-block lap quilt (next photo).
This 36" block also fell victim to my rotary cutter resulting in the lap quilt below! :)
Now I want to speak directly to the quilters who have made my No Y Seam Feathered Star block. For as much as I still LOVE that pattern, I have to tell you a secret: When you are done making this block, there are no papers to rip out! I'm not gonna lie, it gives me a thrill to finish and NOT have to deal with papers. It feels like I'm getting away with something!
(P.S. I'm told that those who have completed the No Y Seam Feathered Star will have a level of familiarity with this pattern that's very helpful in executing this version!)
That's fierce.
YOU are fierce for tackling this block. Are you ready?!?!
Check out the amazing quilt top Lindsey Neill of Pen + Paper Patterns made using just one 36" FFS block and a solid border!
This listing is for a PDF only. There are 18 pages total that include 4 template pages. You'll print 2 templates out, tape them to your rotary ruler and cut like normal. I promise there is no tracing, no weird fabric cutting with scissors, no freezer paper... you'll like it! There are illustrated diagrams to guide you precisely through every step!
Purchase from my pattern shop.
Interactive coloring!
Choose an image below to save, import in the Recolor app, and color your heart out! A full tutorial with video is available here, if you need any help.